- Camilla Zimmermann
- William E Rosa
- Sebastiano Mercadante
- Gary M Rodin
- Jennifer A M Philip
- Sheila Alison Payne
- Fliss E M Murtagh
- Nancy J Preston
- Miriam J Johnson
- Carlos Centeno Cortés
- Jason W Boland
- Erica C Kaye
- Andrew Neil Davies
- Megan C Best
- Carlos António Laranjeira
- David Hui
- Anna Collins
- Lisa C Lindley
- James Nicholas Dionne-Odom
- Aynharan Sinnarajah
- María Arantzamendi
- Scott Murray
- Caterina Calderón
- Breffni Hannon
- Irene J Higginson
- Jane L Phillips
- Katharine E Brock
- Catherine Walshe
- Eduardo Bruera
- Matthew John Allsop
- Yusuke Hiratsuka
- David Christopher Currow
- Joachim Cohen
- Patrick Charles Stone
- Lorna Katherine Fraser
- Ana Fernández Montes
- Ana Isabel Fernandes Querido
- Katherine E Sleeman
- Anne M Finucane
- Journal of palliative medicine
- Journal of pain and symptom management
- Palliative medicine
- The American journal of hospice & palliative care
- BMC palliative care
- Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer
- International journal of palliative nursing
- BMJ supportive & palliative care
- Journal of palliative care
- Palliative & supportive care
- Journal of religion and health
- Cureus
- Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy
- Frontiers in psychology
- Annals of palliative medicine
- PloS one
- Chest
- International journal of environmental research and public health
- Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology
- Cancer
- Journal of hospice and palliative nursing : JHPN : the official journal of the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association
- Indian journal of palliative care
- Cancers
- Psycho-oncology
- BMJ (Clinical research ed.)
- Caring : National Association for Home Care magazine
- Scientific reports
- Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
- BMJ open
- Journal of advanced nursing
- Social science & medicine (1982)
- Current oncology (Toronto, Ont.)
- Journal of clinical nursing
- Nursing times
- European journal of cancer care
- The oncologist
- Journal of pain & palliative care pharmacotherapy
- Cancer nursing
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