- Virginia Barbour
- Tilman Ruff
- Parveen Azam Ali
- Robert James Mash
- Carlos Monteiro
- Thomas Lars Benfield
- Richard C Horton
- Kirsten Bibbins
- Eric J Rubin
- Laurie Laybourn-Langton
- Stephen Hancocks
- Gregory Efosa Erhabor
- Kuldeep Dhama
- Vijay Kumar Chattu
- Yousef Saleh Khader
- Gigi Kwick Gronvall
- Isaac Luginaah
- Fabio Scarpa
- Martin Mckee
- Seye Abimbola
- Katarzyna Czabanowska
- Farzana Kapadia
- Nason J Maani
- Brian Edward Dixon
- Mélissa Mialon
- Christl Ann Donnelly
- Patrick Harris
- Valéry Ridde
- Young Ho Park
- Francesco Branda
- Norie Sawada
- Mohannad Al Nsour
- Helen Onyeaka
- Kerstin B Meyer
- Alexander L Greninger
- Krzysztof Polański
- Ranjit Sah
- Heather Krasna
- Aryati Yashadhana
- International journal of environmental research and public health
- PloS one
- American journal of public health
- Frontiers in public health
- BMJ open
- Scientific reports
- BMC public health
- Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)
- Lancet (London, England)
- Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP
- BMJ (Clinical research ed.)
- The Science of the total environment
- Social science & medicine (1982)
- Science (New York, N.Y.)
- Cureus
- Heliyon
- Sovetskoe zdravookhranenie
- American journal of public health and the nation's health
- Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974)
- [Hokenfu zasshi] The Japanese journal for public health nurse
- Canadian journal of public health = Revue canadienne de sante publique
- Public health
- BMJ global health
- Journal of medical ethics
- Frontiers in psychology
- Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges
- The American journal of bioethics : AJOB
- Environmental science and pollution research international
- International journal of molecular sciences
- Nutrients
- Studies in health technology and informatics
- Vaccine
- Disaster medicine and public health preparedness
- American journal of preventive medicine
- MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report
- Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.)
- BMC health services research
- Journal of environmental management
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