- David R Howell
- Marina Zeldovich
- Grant L Iverson
- Keith Owen Yeates
- Sohae Chung
- Kathryn J Schneider
- Jon S Patricios
- Catherine Daniela Chong
- Steven R Flanagan
- Alan J Pearce
- Veronik Sicard
- André Obenaus
- Molly Cairncross
- Alaleh Alivar
- Soroush Arabshahi
- Richard James Blanch
- Alexandra Jean Sinclair
- Noah D Silverberg
- Virginia F J Newcombe
- Osman Hassan Ahmed
- Miss Susan P Mollan
- Tracey D Wallace
- Matilde Sassani
- Roger Zemek
- John K Yue
- Ugne Krenz
- Jennie Louise Ponsford
- Miriam H Beauchamp
- Shannon B Juengst
- Christina L Master
- Emily Kroshus-Havril
- Victoria C Merritt
- Inga K Koerte
- Facundo M Fernández
- Amanda Marie Black
- Andrew R Mayer
- Asla Pitkänen
- Ioannis A Mavroudis
- Margot Putukian
- Journal of neurotrauma
- Brain injury
- The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation
- Frontiers in neurology
- PloS one
- Scientific reports
- Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
- Clinical journal of sport medicine : official journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine
- Experimental neurology
- British journal of sports medicine
- Brain research
- International journal of molecular sciences
- Journal of athletic training
- Military medicine
- Bone marrow transplantation
- Neurotrauma reports
- Archives of clinical neuropsychology : the official journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists
- Journal of neurosurgery
- Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS
- Neurology
- NeuroRehabilitation
- Neurosurgery
- World neurosurgery
- Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology
- The Clinical neuropsychologist
- Journal of clinical medicine
- Brain sciences
- NeuroImage. Clinical
- Frontiers in neuroscience
- Neuroscience letters
- Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
- The Journal of trauma
- The American journal of sports medicine
- Journal of neuroinflammation
- Neuropsychological rehabilitation
- Applied neuropsychology. Adult
- Neuroscience
- BMJ open
- Cureus
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