- Yoshiya Tanaka
- Désirée Mfm van der Heijde
- Josef S Smolen
- Laure Gossec
- Eric F Morand
- Miguel Angel González-Gay
- Jeffrey R Curtis
- Michael T Nurmohamed
- Sang-Won Lee
- Laura C Coates
- Florenzo Iannone
- Aggarwal Amita
- Iván Ferraz-Amaro
- Paul Emery
- Phillip J Mease
- Fabio Massimo Perrotta
- Wook-Young Baek
- Kaleb D Michaud
- Ronald F Van Vollenhoven
- Pedro M Machado
- Patricia P Katz
- Harald E Vonkeman
- Christopher Ma
- Johan Askling
- Vikas Agarwal
- Bente Glintborg
- Xenofon Baraliakos
- Akira Onishi
- Clementina López Medina
- Chang-Hee Suh
- Durga Prasanna Misra
- Yoon-Kyoung Sung
- Janet E Pope
- Manuel Francisco Ugarte-Gil
- Tjalf Ziemssen
- Fredrik Piehl
- Philip S Helliwell
- Ennio Lubrano
- Rubén Queiro
- Annals of the rheumatic diseases
- The Journal of rheumatology
- Clinical rheumatology
- Arthritis and rheumatism
- Rheumatology (Oxford, England)
- Clinical and experimental rheumatology
- Rheumatology international
- Lupus
- Arthritis research & therapy
- Modern rheumatology
- Frontiers in immunology
- Scandinavian journal of rheumatology
- PloS one
- Arthritis care & research
- Scientific reports
- Clinical and experimental immunology
- Zeitschrift fur Rheumatologie
- International journal of rheumatic diseases
- Journal of clinical medicine
- RMD open
- Cureus
- International journal of molecular sciences
- Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism
- British journal of rheumatology
- Journal of clinical rheumatology : practical reports on rheumatic & musculoskeletal diseases
- Joint bone spine
- Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.)
- Inflammatory bowel diseases
- Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
- Revue du rhumatisme et des maladies osteo-articulaires
- Medicine
- Autoimmunity reviews
- Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England)
- Frontiers in medicine
- Current opinion in rheumatology
- International immunopharmacology
- The British journal of dermatology
- Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.)
- Reumatismo
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