Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and multiple community lockdowns on total live birth rates and preterm births in Melbourne, Australia.
Scott StansfieldArsheeya RattanBen-Willem J MolDaniel L RolnikAtul MalhotraPublished in: The Australian & New Zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecology (2022)
We evaluated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and Melbourne's multiple community lockdowns (between 2020-21) on total live birth rates and preterm births in a large health network. Analysis revealed a decrease in total live birth rates following easing of initial lockdowns, and a sharp increase in births at one stage in between lockdowns. The proportion and number of preterm births (<37 weeks gestation) decreased at the start of initial lockdowns with the strongest decrease after the end of the second lockdown period. Births <34 weeks gestation also decreased during lockdowns, but no significant change was identified for births <28 weeks gestation.