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QTL-seq identifies genomic region associated with the crown root development under Jasmonic acid response.

Tam Thi Thanh TranLiem Huu Minh LeTrang Thi NguyenThanh Chi NguyenTrang Thi Huyen HoangPhat Tien DoHuong Thi Mai To
Published in: Functional & integrative genomics (2024)
Rice root system plays a crucial role in plant adaptation under adverse conditions, particularly drought stress. However, the regulatory gene networks that govern rice root development during stress exposure remain largely unexplored. In this study, we applied a QTL sequencing method to identify QTL/gene controlling the crown root development under Jasmonic acid simulation using the Bulk-segregant analysis. Two rice cultivars with contrasting phenotypes from the Vietnamese traditional rice collection were used as parent pairs for crossing. The single-seed descent method was employed to generate an F2 population of progenies. This F2/3 population was further segregated based on root count under JA stress. Pooled DNA from the two extreme groups in this population was sequenced, and SNP indexes across all loci in these pools were calculated. We detected a significant genomic region on chromosome 10, spanned from 20.39-20.50 Mb, where two rice RLKs were located, OsPUB54 and OsPUB58. Receptor-like kinases (RLKs) are pivotal in regulating various aspects of root development in plants, and the U-box E3 ubiquitination ligase class was generally known for its degradation of some protein complexes. Notably, OsPUB54 was strongly induced by JA treatment, suggesting its involvement in the degradation of the Aux/IAA protein complex, thereby influencing crown root initiation. Besides, the Eukaryotic translation initiation of factor 3 subunit L (eIF3l) and the Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 37 (MAPKKK 37) proteins identified from SNPs with high score index which suggests their significant roles in the translation initiation process and cellular signaling pathways, respectively. This information suggests several clues of how these candidates are involved in modifying the rice root system under stress conditions.