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Is my paper relevant for an international audience?

Fernando Fernandez-Lllimos
Published in: Pharmacy practice (2020)
This is the first question one should consider before submitting a paper to an international journal. The answer is simple: If researchers or practitioners from another country can learn something from your paper that can influence a practice or a research they are involved in, then your paper is relevant for an international audience. There are many elements that can influence in this cross-border transferability. One could think that having a big "n", or performing complex statistical calculations, or using complicated study designs makes the paper more attractive to colleagues from other countries. These elements can help, but they are not sufficient. On the other hand, one could think that a study performed in a small hospital in a given country will never be of interest for these foreign colleagues. That is not necessarily correct. Let's burst some myths.
  • primary care
  • healthcare
  • molecular dynamics
  • molecular dynamics simulations
  • big data
  • emergency department
  • general practice
  • deep learning