K ChalovaB PehlivanovPublished in: Akusherstvo i ginekologiia (2018)
Preeclampsia is one of the most severe complications of the pregnancy, and trials to estimate a panel of predictive markers are of big interest for multiple researches. Corin is a transmembrane serine protease, localized in the heart, which is converting pro-ANP in to active ANR. ANP is a hormone regulating salt haemostasis and arterial bood pressure. Corin-null experimental pregnant mices develop arterial hypertention and proteinuria, and increased Corin exprecion in to the decidua of human uterus suggests its potential role during pregnancy. It is proven it takes place in throphoblast invasion in humans. Further research of this brand new marker would've been adding a value in trials to settle a effective early screening panel for preeclapmsia prediction, but also would've helpful in understanding its complicated pathogenesis. Promising new field for research is to evaluate serum corin levels during first trimester in combination with other placental factors, markers of neoangiogenesis and Doppler of uterine arteries.