Design and validation of a preliminary instrument to contextualize interactions through information technologies of health professionals.
José Fidencio López LunaEddie Nahúm Armendáriz MirelesMarco Aurelio Nuño-MagandaHiram Herrera RivasRubén Machucho CadenaJorge Arturo Hernández AlmazánPublished in: Health informatics journal (2024)
The communication of e-Health has been transformed with the advancement of information technologies, therefore it is feasible to carry out studies in the context of health professionals' interactions. Objective: This study aimed to design and validate a preliminary questionnaire to investigate the context of the communications of health professionals through information technologies considering three significant dimensions. Method: The stages provided by Hernández Sampieri guided the building, validation through Cronbach's alpha and factorial analysis. The questionnaire was applied to 43 participants who simulated health professionals. Results: We obtained an instrument that includes a demographic data section and 20 items distributed into three factors. Internal consistency reliability with Cronbach's alpha values generally of 0.848 and higher than 0.811 was obtained in each dimension. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin's measure of sampling adequacy was regular, with 0.781, and Bartlett's test of sphericity was significant ( p < 0.001). Conclusion: It is necessary to apply in real-world environments to reaffirm the results obtained.