Visual Performance, Satisfaction, and Spectacle Independence after Implantation of a New Hydrophobic Trifocal Intraocular Lens.
Antonio Cano-OrtizÁlvaro Sánchez-VentosaTimoteo González CrucesDavid Cerdán-PalaciosVanesa Díaz-MesaRubén Gallego-OrdóñezTeresa Gálvez-GómezJose A García ParrizasJavier Zurera BaenaAlberto Villarrubia-CuadradoPublished in: Journal of clinical medicine (2022)
The main objective was to evaluate distance, intermediate, and near vision in patients who have undergone cataract extraction with bilateral implantation of a new trifocal diffractive intraocular lens (IOL), along with patient-reported outcomes (PRO). A total of 50 eyes from 25 patients after Asqelio TM Trifocal IOL (AST Products, Inc., Billerica MA, USA) implantation were assessed in this study. At 3 months after surgery, the photopic visual acuity (VA) at distance, intermediate, and near distances was measured. Binocular photopic defocus curves were also obtained. Three questionnaires to assess patients' visual satisfaction and spectacle dependence, among other items, were completed: the Catquest-9SF, the patient-reported spectacle independence questionnaire (PRSIQ), and the patient-reported visual symptoms questionnaire (PRVSQ). The average spherical equivalent was 0.21 ± 0.37 D at 3 months post-operation, and the average absolute tolerance to defocus was 3.64 ± 0.70 D. The mean binocular uncorrected VAs for distance, intermediate, and near vision were -0.02 ± 0.09, 0.06 ± 0.08, and 0.11 ± 0.07 logMAR, respectively. The best-corrected VA was better than 0.1 logMAR for the whole range from distance to near. PROs revealed spectacle independence and general satisfaction with vision, and the incidence of photic phenomena were low. This study shows that the new bi-aspheric diffractive trifocal IOL provides a good visual performance at different distances under photopic conditions, accompanied by patient satisfaction and spectacle independence.