Quantitative monitoring of nucleotide sequence data from genetic resources in context of their citation in the scientific literature.
Matthias LangeBlaise T F AlakoGuy CochraneMehmood GhaffarMartin MascherPia-Katharina HabekostUpneet HillebrandUwe ScholzFlorian SchorchJens FreitagAmber Hartman ScholzPublished in: GigaScience (2022)
The extraction and linking of NSD with associated publication citations enables transparency. The quality review contributes to enhanced text mining methods for identifier extraction and use. Furthermore, the global provision and use of NSD enable scientists worldwide to join literature and sequence databases in a multidimensional fashion. As a concrete use case, we visualized statistics of country clusters concerning NSD access in the context of discussions around digital sequence information under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.