Nonmedical Factors and Health-Related Quality of Life in CKD in India.

Gopesh K ModiAshok K YadavArpita GhoshKajal KambojPrabhjot KaurVivek KumarShobhit BhansaliNarayan PrasadManisha SahaySreejith ParameswaranSantosh VarugheseSishir GangShivendra SinghDipankar SircarNatarajan GopalakrishnanAjay JaryalSanjay VikrantSeema Baid-AgrawalVivekananda Jha
Published in: Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN (2020)
In this first of its kind analysis from India, predominantly socioeconomic factors were associated with quality of life scores in patients with CKD.