Ambient operation and large-scale demonstration have limited the implementation and evaluation of anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBRs) for low-strength wastewater treatment. Here, we studied these issues at an AnMBR demo plant that treats domestic wastewater and food waste together at ambient temperatures (7-28 °C). At varied hydraulic retention times (HRTs, 8-42 h), the AnMBR achieved a COD removal efficiency and biogas production of 80.4% ± 3.9% and 66.5 ± 9.4 NL/m 3 -Influent, respectively. Moreover, a stable high membrane flux of 14.4 L/m 2 /h was reached. The electric energy consumption for the AnMBR operation was 0.269-0.433 kW·h/m 3 , and 49.4%-91.3% could be compensated by the electric energy produced from methane production. At an HRT of 10 h, the AnMBR system demonstrated an impressively low net electric energy consumption of merely 0.05 kW·h/m 3 , resulting in a net greenhouse gas emission of 0.015 CO 2 -eq/m 3 , cutting 85% compared to the conventional activated sludge process. Achievements in this study provide key parameters for the ambient operation of AnMBR and demonstrate that AnMBR is an energy-saving and low-carbon solution for low-strength wastewater treatment.