The genus Deschampsia and the epithet " alpina".
Jorge O ChiapellaZhi-Qing XueJosef GreimlerPublished in: PhytoKeys (2021)
The epithet "alpina" has been recurrently used in the genus Deschampsia to name plants located in northern regions of Europe, Asia and North America, as a species (Deschampsiaalpina (L.) Roem. & Schult.), but also in infraspecific categories (Deschampsiacespitosasubsp.alpina Tzvel. and Deschampsiacespitosavar.alpina Schur.). The morphological and molecular available evidence suggests the existence of a single species, Deschampsiacespitosa (L.) P. Beauv., in which individuals belonging to the same morphological gradient have received different names in different taxonomic categories throughout its wide distribution range. An evaluation of the available names indicates that all uses of the epithet "alpina" are illegitimate. A new combination is proposed at the infraspecific level as Deschampsiacespitosasubsp.neoalpina Chiapella, Xue & Greimler.