Transition to adulthood for young people is complex and multi-faceted, with additional hurdles for young people who have disabilities, long-term, or life-limiting conditions or mental health problems. The challenges in providing effective transition support are not new; researchers, policymakers, commissioners, and service providers have been grappling with the problem for several decades, with varying degrees of success. The aims of this integrative review were firstly to build on previous research to synthesize and evaluate recently published evidence. Secondly to provide an overview of the effectiveness of interventions (in one or a combination of health, social care, and education transitions) designed to support transition to adulthood in these groups of young people. A search of a range of databases retrieved published literature from January 2015 to January 2021 demonstrating global interest in the topic. Fifty-one articles were included following an appraisal of quality and eligibility. Qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods studies, and evidence synthesis were included. Some studies were clinically orientated whilst others examined the impact of the transition process, or utilized participatory approaches which give young service-users and families a voice. Transition between children's and adult health or care services as well as other life-course trajectories, such as life-skills development, education transitions, social inclusion and employability were evaluated. Thematic analysis and synthesis of articles retrieved in this review highlighted themes identified in previous reviews: timing of, and preparation for transition; perceptions and experience of transition; barriers and facilitators; transition outcomes. Additional themes included special considerations; dealing with complexity; advocacy, participation, autonomy, aspirations, and young people's rights; future work, research, and evaluation. Novel perspectives and diverse data sources contributed to holistic understanding of an ongoing priority for international policy, service development, and research: the complexity of providing effective transition support and achieving positive outcomes for young people with long-term and life-limiting health conditions, disabilities, and mental health difficulties.