Implementation of single-qubit measurement-based t-designs using IBM processors.
Conrad StrydomMark TamePublished in: Scientific reports (2022)
Random unitary matrices sampled from the uniform Haar ensemble have a number of important applications both in cryptography and in the simulation of a variety of fundamental physical systems. Since the Haar ensemble is very expensive to sample, pseudorandom ensembles in the form of t-designs are frequently used as an efficient substitute, and are sufficient for most applications. We investigate t-designs generated using a measurement-based approach on superconducting quantum computers. In particular, we implemented an exact single-qubit 3-design on IBM quantum processors by performing measurements on a 6-qubit graph state. By analysing channel tomography results, we were able to show that the ensemble of unitaries realised was a 1-design, but not a 2-design or a 3-design under the test conditions set, which we show to be a result of depolarising noise during the measurement-based process. We obtained improved results for the 2-design test by implementing an approximate 2-design, in which measurements were performed on a smaller 5-qubit graph state, but the test still did not pass for all states. This suggests that the practical realisation of measurement-based t-designs on superconducting quantum computers will require further work on the reduction of depolarising noise in these devices.