Atmospheric contamination by heavy metal-enriched particulate matter (metal-PM) is highly topical nowadays because of its high persistence and toxic nature. Metal-PMs are emitted to the atmosphere by various natural and anthropogenic activities, the latter being the major source. After being released into the atmosphere, metal-PM can travel over a long distance and can deposit on the buildings, water, soil, and plant canopy. In this way, these metal-PMs can contaminate different parts of the ecosystem. In addition, metal-PMs can be directly inhaled by humans and induce several health effects. Therefore, it is of great importance to understand the fate and behavior of these metal-PMs in the environment. In this review, we highlighted the atmospheric contamination by metal-PMs, possible sources, speciation, transport over a long distance, and deposition on soil, plants, and buildings. This review also describes the foliar deposition and uptake of metal-PMs by plants. Moreover, the inhalation of these metal-PMs by humans and the associated health risks have been critically discussed. Finally, the article proposed some key management strategies and future perspectives along with the summary of the entire review. The abovementioned facts about the biogeochemical behavior of metal-PMs in the ecosystem have been supported with well-summarized tables (total 14) and figures (4), which make this review article highly informative and useful for researchers, scientists, students, policymakers, and the organizations involved in development and management. It is proposed that management strategies should be developed and adapted to cope with atmospheric release and contamination of metal-PM.