Superficial inferior epigastric artery flap: Vascular pattern and territory across the midline.
Suphalerk LohasammakulWarangkana TonareeChaiyawat SuppasilpTerasut NumwongRosarin RatanalekhaHyun Ho HanPublished in: Journal of reconstructive microsurgery (2023)
Designing a SIEA flap island across the midline is feasible when contralateral SIEA is present to augment the contralateral territory (e.g., type 1a SIEA) or in SIEA with a common/superficial external pudendal artery origin. Preoperative imaging studies are important for confirming the SIEA system. When the diameter at the origin of the SIEA flap is larger than 1.4 mm, the blood supply to the ipsilateral and contralateral sides is sufficient to enable safe flap elevation.