Usual breast lump with unusual features.
Shruti GuptaPawan KumarNiraj KumariNiraj Kumar SrivastavaPublished in: Cytopathology : official journal of the British Society for Clinical Cytology (2023)
The co-existence of granulomatous mastitis and collagenous spherulosis in a breast lump is an uncommon finding. The awareness of cytomorphological features can help corroborate a cytological diagnosis. A palpable breast lump in an elderly female warrants urgent attention and fine needle aspiration is a rapid, reliable method of evaluation. An elderly female with a firm breast lump mimicking malignancy was subjected to fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). Smears showed ill-formed granulomas, inflammatory cells and homogeneous hyaline stromal globular elements intermingled with the benign ductal epithelial and myoepithelial cells.