Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are promising candidates for use in novel cell therapies, although such live cell products are highly complex compared with traditional drugs. For example, difficulties such as the control of manufacturing conditions hinder the manufacture of stable cell populations that maintain their therapeutic potency. Here, assuming that medium selection significantly affects cell potency, we focused on the culture media as a critical manufacturing factor influencing the therapeutic efficacy of MSCs. We therefore performed a tube formation assay to quantify the angiogenic activities of conditioned media used to culture human umbilical vein endothelial cells compared with unconditioned media. Comprehensive molecular genetic analysis using microarrays was applied to determine the effects of these media on signal transduction pathways. We found that activation of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling pathway differed, and that VEGF concentration was dependent on the composition of the conditioned media. These results indicate that the activation level of cell signaling pathways which contribute to therapeutic efficacy may vary depending on the media components affecting MSCs during their cultivation. Moreover, they indicate that therapeutic efficacy will likely depend on how cells are handled during manufacture. These findings will enhance our understanding of the quality control measures required to ensure the efficacy and safety of cell therapy products.