Effects of rate of body weight gain during the first trimester of gestation on beef heifer and offspring performance, concentrations of hormones and metabolites, and response to vaccination.

Friederike BaumgaertnerAna Clara B MenezesWellison Jarles Da Silva DinizJennifer L HurlbertKerri A BochantinSarah R UnderdahlJames D KirschSheri T DorsamKacie L McCarthyGerman D Ramirez-ZamudioKevin K SedivecJoel S CatonCrosswhite Carl R Dahlen
Published in: Journal of animal science (2024)
Our study objectives were to evaluate the effects of divergent rates of body weight (BW) gain during early gestation in beef heifers on F0 performance, metabolic and endocrine status, colostrum immunoglobulins, and subsequent F1 calf characteristics, growth performance, concentrations of hormones and metabolites, and response to vaccination. Angus-based heifers (n = 100; BW = 369 ± 2.5 kg) were adapted to individual feeding for 14 d and bred using artificial insemination with female-sexed semen. Heifers were ranked by BW assigned to either a basal diet targeting 0.28 kg/d gain (LG, n = 50) or the basal diet plus an energy/protein supplement targeting 0.79 kg/d gain (MG, n = 50) until d 84 of gestation. Dam BW and blood samples were collected at 6 time points during gestation; body composition was evaluated at d -10 and 84; and fetal measurements were taken on d 42, 63, and 84. At calving (LG, n = 23; MG, n = 23), dam and calf BW were recorded; and colostrum, calf body measurements, and blood samples were collected. Cow-calf pairs were managed on a common diet from calving to weaning, followed by a common postnatal development period for all F1 female offspring. Growth performance, hormone and metabolite profiles, feeding behavior, and reproductive performance were assessed from birth to pre-breeding in F1 heifers. Offspring were vaccinated against respiratory disease and bovine viral diarrhea pathogens on d 62.3 ± 4.13 and 220.3 ± 4.13 post-calving. By design, MG dams were heavier (P < 0.0001) than LG at d 84, and the BW advantage persisted until subsequent weaning of F1 calves. Concentrations of serum IGF-1 and glucose were increased throughout gestation (P < 0.001) for MG dams, whereas concentrations of NEFA were decreased (P < 0.001) in LG dams. Calves from MG dams were 2.14 kg heavier (P = 0.03) and had larger chest circumference (P = 0.04) at birth compared with LG cohorts. Heifers from MG dams continued to have greater (P ≤ 0.03) BW gain and feed efficiency during the development period, but no differences were observed (P ≥ 0.13) in body composition, concentrations of hormones and metabolites, feeding behavior, puberty attainment, and response to vaccination in F1 offspring. Hence, early gestation rate of gain impacted BW and concentrations of glucose and IGF-1 throughout gestation in the F0 dam, resulting in altered F1 calf BW and measurements at birth and increased gain and efficiency during the development period.