There is growing interest in understanding geographic patterns of medical device-related adverse events (AEs). A spatial scan method combined with the likelihood ratio test (LRT) for spatial-cluster signal detection over the geographical region is universally used. The spatial scan method used a moving window to scan the entire study region and collected some candidate sub-regions from which the spatial-cluster signal(s) will be found. However, it has some challenges, especially in computation. First, the computational cost increased when the number of sub-regions increased. Second, the computational cost may increase if a large spatial-cluster pattern is present and a flexible-shaped window is used. To reduce the computational cost, we propose a Bayesian nonparametric method that combines the ideas of Markov random field (MRF) to leverage geographical information to find potential signal clusters. Then, the LRT is applied for the detection of spatial cluster signals. The proposed method provides an ability to capture both locally spatially contiguous clusters and globally discontiguous clusters, and is manifested to be effective and tractable using hypothetical Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) data as an illustration.