Lighting intensity and photoperiod serves tailoring nitrate assimilation indices in red and green baby leaf lettuce.

Akvilė ViršilėAušra BrazaitytėViktorija Vaštakaitė-KairienėJurga MiliauskienėJulė JankauskienėAlgirdas NovičkovasGiedrė Samuolienė
Published in: Journal of the science of food and agriculture (2019)
Light intensity was superior compared to photoperiods for efficient nitrate assimilation in both lettuce cultivars. Under short photoperiods, similarly to low intensity, growth parameters, chlorophyll index and nitrate assimilation indices showed a shortage of photosynthetic products for normal physiological processes. The free amino acid concentration increased, but it was not efficiently incorporated in proteins, as their level in lettuce was lower compared to those for moderate photoperiods. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry.