Axial electrokinetic trapping of anisotropic particles.
Filip StrubbeBavo RobbenJohn Puthenparampil GeorgeÍngrid Amer CidFilip BeunisKristiaan NeytsPublished in: Scientific reports (2019)
Anti-Brownian electrokinetic trapping is a method for trapping single particles in liquid based on particle position measurements and the application of feedback voltages. To achieve trapping in the axial direction, information on the axial particle position is required. However, existing strategies for determining the axial position that are based on measuring the size of the first diffraction ring, theory fitting, advanced optical setups or pre-determined axial image stacks are impractical for anisotropic particles. In this work, axial electrokinetic trapping of anisotropic particles is realized in devices with planar, transparent electrodes. The trapping algorithm uses Fourier-Bessel decomposition of standard microscopy images and is learning from the correlation between applied voltages and changes in the particle appearance. No previous knowledge on the particle appearance, theory fitting or advanced optical setup is required. The particle motion in the trap and the influence of screening of the electric field on this motion are analyzed. The axial trapping method opens new possibilities for measuring properties of anisotropic or isotropic particles and forces acting on such particles.