Decrease in Cellular Nanovesicles Concentration in Blood of Athletes More Than 15 Hours After Marathon.
Zala JanMitja DrabDamjana DrobneApolonija Bedina ZavecMojca BenčinaBarbara DraslerMatej HočevarJudita Lea KrekLjubiša PađenManca PajničNeža ReparBostjan SimuničRoman ŠtukeljVeronika Kralj-IgličPublished in: International journal of nanomedicine (2021)
We found that >15 hours post-physical effort, CNVs' concentration was below the initial value, concomitant with other measured parameters: ChE and GST activity as well as IL-6 concentration, indicating a favorable effect of physical effort on health status. CNVs' concentration and ChE activity in isolates from peripheral blood proved to have potential as indicators of the response of the human body to inflammation after physical effort. Physical activity should be considered as an important factor in preparation of subjects for blood sampling in procedures focusing on CNV-containing diagnostic and therapeutic compounds.