Study of curtaining effect reduction methods in Inconel 718 using a plasma focused ion beam.
F JaimeS DesbiefJ SilventG GoupilMarc BernackiNathalie BozzoloA NicolaÿPublished in: Journal of microscopy (2024)
The curtaining effect is a common challenge in focused ion beam (FIB) surface preparation. This study investigates methods to reduce this effect during plasma FIB milling of Inconel 718 (nickel-based superalloy). Platinum deposition, silicon mask and XeF 2 gas injection were explored as potential solutions. These methods were evaluated for two ion beam current conditions; a high ion beam intensity condition (30 kV-1 µA) and a medium one (30 kV-100 nA) and their impact on curtaining reduction and resulting cross-section quality was assessed quantitatively thanks to topographic measurements done by atomic force microscopy (AFM). XeF 2 assistance notably improved cross-section quality at medium current level. Pt deposition and Si mask individually mitigated the curtaining effect, with greater efficacy at 100 nA. Both methods also contributed to reducing cross-section curvature, with the Si mask outperforming Pt deposition. However, combining Pt deposition and Si mask with XeF 2 injection led to deterioration of these protective layers and the reappearance of the curtaining effect after a quite short exposure time.