The Positive Impact of Resistance Training on Muscle Mass and Serum Leptin Levels in Patients 2-7 Years Post-Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: A Controlled Clinical Trial.

Isabela Nogueira Martins Sena RiosFernando LamarcaFlávio Teixeira VieiraHeloísa Antoniella Braz de MeloKelly Grace MagalhãesKênia Mara Baiocchi de CarvalhoNathalia Pizato
Published in: Obesity surgery (2021)
The RTP improved individuals' body composition by a modest but significant enhancing muscle mass and decreasing serum leptin and CRPus levels, especially in individuals with VFA values above the median. RTPs assist in maintaining the adequate body composition as they contribute to a decrease in proinflammatory markers in long-term RYGB.