Dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) imaging: state of the art and applications in whole-body imaging.
Domenico AlbanoFederico BrunoAndrea AgostiniSalvatore Alessio AngileriMassimo BenenatiGiulia BicchieraiMichaela CellinaVito ChiancaDiletta CozziGinevra DantiFederica De MuzioLetizia Di MeglioFrancesco GentiliGiuliana GiacobbeGiulia GrazziniIrene GrazziniPasquale GuerrieroCarmelo MessinaGiuseppe MicciPierpaolo PalumboMaria Paola RoccoRoberto GrassiVittorio MieleAntonio Barilenull nullPublished in: Japanese journal of radiology (2021)
Dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) imaging is a non-invasive technique used for the evaluation of tissue vascularity features through imaging series acquisition after contrast medium administration. Over the years, the study technique and protocols have evolved, seeing a growing application of this method across different imaging modalities for the study of almost all body districts. The main and most consolidated current applications concern MRI imaging for the study of tumors, but an increasing number of studies are evaluating the use of this technique also for inflammatory pathologies and functional studies. Furthermore, the recent advent of artificial intelligence techniques is opening up a vast scenario for the analysis of quantitative information deriving from DCE. The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive update on the techniques, protocols, and clinical applications - both established and emerging - of DCE in whole-body imaging.