Quantum critical points and the sign problem.
Rubem MondainiS TaratRichard T ScalettarPublished in: Science (New York, N.Y.) (2022)
The "sign problem" (SP) is a fundamental limitation to simulations of strongly correlated matter. It is often argued that the SP is not intrinsic to the physics of particular Hamiltonians because its behavior can be influenced by the choice of algorithm. By contrast, we show that the SP in determinant quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) is quantitatively linked to quantum critical behavior. We demonstrate this through simulations of several models with critical properties that are relatively well understood. We propose a reinterpretation of the low average sign for the Hubbard model on the square lattice away from half filling in terms of the onset of pseudogap behavior and exotic superconductivity. Our study charts a path for exploiting the average sign in QMC simulations to understand quantum critical behavior.