Correspondence of the Boston Naming Test and Multilingual Naming Test in identifying naming impairments in a geriatric cognitive disorders clinic.
Paulina V DevoraKerry O'MaharSarah M KarboskiJared F BengeRobin C HilsabeckPublished in: Applied neuropsychology. Adult (2022)
Confrontation naming measures are commonly used for both diagnostic and clinical research purposes in populations of known or suspected neurodegenerative disorders. The Boston Naming Test (BNT) is the most widely used measure of confrontation naming but has been criticized for outdated and culturally biased content. A new naming measure, the Multilingual Naming Test (MiNT), has been developed that may address these limitations, but research regarding its validity and diagnostic performance relative to existing instruments is limited. The current study examined how the BNT and MiNT performed in a sample of older adults evaluated in an interprofessional memory disorders clinic. Eighty-six individuals (50.0% women) met the inclusion criteria and were included in the study. The average age of participants was 74.2 years ( SD = 7.7), and the average education was 16.7 years ( SD = 2.5). Most participants were non-Hispanic White (94.2%), and the remaining participants were Hispanic or Black. All participants completed a comprehensive evaluation in English and were administered both the BNT and the MiNT. The strength of agreement as indexed by CCC (.67) was modest for the sample as a whole. Eighty-seven-point five percent classification agreement for impaired vs. normal naming performance was obtained. Eleven cases showed disagreement between BNT and MiNT classification of impairment, with seven of these being borderline score cases. Overall, the results suggest that the MiNT performs similarly at the identification of naming impairments as the BNT, though performance may diverge across different diagnostic groups and may be influenced by age.