Fragrances have many biological activities such as anti-anxiety, anti-depression, and improving cognitive memory. However, most fragrances are so volatile that the useful lifespan of the fragrances is very short and excessive fragrance concentration makes us uncomfortable. In this study, dual pH and temperature-sensitive nanogels named EG@CPMONGs were prepared to encapsulate eugenol. This nano-fragrance was then applied to silk. In the following, the effects of EG@CPMO-NGs on the regulation of central nervous systems were evaluated. Open-field tests showed that EG@CPMONGs had an obvious effect on stress relief. Elevated plus-maze tests proved the significant effect of EG@CPMO-NGs on anti-anxiety. Morris water maze tests demonstrated the positive impact of nano-fragrance on spatial learning and memory. Therefore, these dual pH and temperature-sensitive nanogels loaded with eugenol had significant and positive effects on the central nervous system.