Testing the sequence of successional processes in miniature ecosystems.
Maximilian HanuschXie HeLaura BöllRobert R JunkerPublished in: Microbiology spectrum (2024)
Hypotheses regarding the underlying processes of ecological successions have primarily emerged from and have been tested in observational studies, lacking substantial support through controlled experiments. The design of such experiments should focus on testing contemporary ecological theories at the intersection of community assembly and successional research. To achieve this, we developed and employed 3D-printed "Ecosystems on a Plate" (EsoaP) within controlled laboratory settings. EsoaPs surmount several limitations of nanoscale instruments that had hindered their application in ecologically meaningful research. By sharing 3D printing designs, experimental protocols, and data openly, we facilitate reproducibility of our experiments by researchers across diverse ecological disciplines. Moreover, our approach facilitates cost-effective replication of experiments, democratizing access to tools for ecological research, and thus holds the potential to serve as a model for future studies and educational purposes.