What Is Quality Food? The Opinion of Key of the Brazilian Food System.
Thaíse GomesSuellen Secchi MartinelliPanmela SoaresSuzi Barletto CavalliPublished in: Nutrients (2024)
The aim of the study was to explore the concept of quality food in the opinion of key informants of the food system. This qualitative research included 208 key informants related to the food supply for Brazilian public food services. The participants were grouped into three groups according to their participation in the food system: 1. Food production; 2. Management and marketing; 3. Meal's production process. Key informants answered the following question: "In your opinion, what is quality food?". The answers were analysed through qualitative content analysis. The data analysis resulted in 52 codes grouped into eight categories, expressing the opinion of the study participants about what quality food is: nutritional, sustainable, sensory, hygienic-sanitary, care, regulatory, dependability and symbolic. Nutritional and sustainable dimensions were predominantly considered. The activities carried out in the food system seem to influence the opinion on food quality. The groups linked to food production put more emphasis on the sustainable dimension, followed by the nutritional dimension, while the groups linked to management and marketing and to the meals production process put more emphasis on the nutritional and sensory dimensions. These differences may indicate a difficulty in the transition towards a more sustainable and healthy food system.