Evaluation of the environmental and structural impacts on urban expansion using airborne geophysical data at Hurghada city, Northern Eastern Desert, Egypt.
Reda Abdu Yousef El-QassasPublished in: Radiation protection dosimetry (2024)
Airborne gamma-ray spectrometric and magnetic data were processed and interpreted aiming to evaluate the environmental and structural impacts on urban expansion, Hurghada City, Northern Eastern Desert, Egypt. The eastern (coastal area), northern, and southeastern parts of the study area possess the lowest level of absorbed dose rate (ADR) and annual effective dose equivalent (AEDE), which were estimated from the airborne gamma-ray spectral data of this area. Consequently, these parts are considered as suitable sites for urban expansion from the radioactivity point of view. The relatively high level of ADR and AEDE is associated with granitic rocks, some parts of Gabir formation and recent Wadi sediments, situated at southwestern, central, and eastern parts of the study area. The ADR and AEDE of these parts are considered harmful to individuals. Airborne magnetic data were also used to detect major structures that may affect various construction projects in the study area in the future. The NNW-SSE, NW-SE, N-S, and NE-SW trends represent the common structures in the study area. The obtained results of airborne gamma-ray spectrometric and magnetic data illustrated that the urban expansion should not be constructed to the west of the ring road. However, site investigations must be carried out on this part of the study area before starting any construction projects there. The present study proved the important role of airborne gamma-ray spectrometric and magnetic surveys as useful tools to delineate the environmental and structural impacts on urban expansion.