With global warming, workers are increasingly exposed to strenuous occupations in hot environments. Given age- and disease-associated declines in thermoregulatory function, older workers are at an elevated risk of developing heat-related injuries. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is thought to confer neuroprotection during acute exercise, however, the influence of environmental heat on BDNF responses during prolonged work remains unclear. Therefore, we evaluated serum BDNF concentrations before and after 180 min of moderate-intensity treadmill walking (200 W/m2) and after 60 min of post-exercise recovery in temperate (wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT) 16°C) and hot (WBGT 32°C) environments in 13 healthy young men (mean [SD; 22 [3] years), 12 healthy older men (59 [4] years), 10 men with hypertension (HTN) (60 [4] years), and 9 men with type 2 diabetes (T2D) (60 [5] years). In the temperate condition, all but one participant (1 HTN) completed the 180 min of exercise. While exercise tolerance in the heat was lower in older men with HTN (117 min [45]) and T2D (123 min [42]) compared to healthy older men (159 min [31]) (both p ≤ 0.049), similar end-exercise rectal temperatures (38.9°C [0.4]) were observed across groups, paralleled by similar elevations in serum BDNF across groups at end-exercise (+1106 pg/mL [203]) and end-recovery (+938 pg/mL [146]; all p ≤ 0.01) in the heat. No changes in serum BDNF were observed in the temperate condition. Our findings indicate similar BDNF responses in individuals with HTN or T2D compared to their healthy counterparts, despite exhibiting reduced tolerance to heat.