Preoperative Diagnosis and Treatment of Middle Ear Adenoma: A Case Report and Literature Review.
Aleksander ZwierzKrystyna MasnaPaweł BurdukPublished in: Ear, nose, & throat journal (2021)
Most reported cases of middle ear adenoma (MEA) have focused on histopathology because MEA is usually diagnosed postoperatively, which is considered as a major setback. We focused on the surgical aspect of the disease to facilitate a preoperative diagnosis, resulting in prompt and proper treatment, without requiring a second stage of surgical treatment. In this report, we present the differential diagnoses in a 40-year-old man with MEA requiring surgical treatment. Preoperatively, the patient was suspected to have an MEA. An analysis of the surgical procedures in similar misdiagnosed tumors has enabled us to assess surgical procedures in cases wherein the preoperative diagnosis does not coincide with the postoperative histopathological results.