Isolation of a Cationic Platinum(II) σ-Silane Complex.
Pablo RíosHugo FouillouxPietro VidossichJosefina DíezAgustí LledósSalvador ConejeroPublished in: Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) (2018)
The platinum complex [Pt(It Bui Pr')(It Bui Pr)][BArF ] interacts with tertiary silanes to form stable (<0 °C) mononuclear PtII σ-SiH complexes [Pt(It Bui Pr')(It Bui Pr)(η1 -HSiR3 )][BArF ]. These compounds have been fully characterized, including X-ray diffraction methods, as the first examples for platinum. DFT calculations (including electronic topological analysis) support the interpretation of the coordination as an unusual η1 -SiH. However, the energies required for achieving a η2 -SiH mode are rather low, and is consistent with the propensity of these derivatives to undergo Si-H cleavage leading to the more stable silyl species [Pt(SiR3 )(It Bui Pr)2 ][BArF ] at room temperature.