Sunscreens provide excellent protection against erythema and against chronic damage such as photoaging and skin cancer. Today's challenges concern safety of the products and improved methods for standardizing the evaluation of their efficacy. Other important topics are the further development of sunscreen products, as well as personalization of use. Personalized sun protection based on the phenotype, the genetic profiles and moreover the skin's microbiome - all linked to the identification of certain consumer susceptibility factors - is an exciting new area of research. In particular, the expansion with innovative topical agents such as DNA repair liposomes in improved galenic formulations with UV filters tailored to the skin phototype and new topical antioxidants could in future provide even more comprehensive sun protection. New antioxidants and other agents such as nicotinamide could increase systemic photoprevention. Sustainability will also be an important aspect to protect consumers, but also the environment (i.e. especially marine wildlife) from toxic effects of sunscreens.