Delving into public-expenditure elasticity: Evidence from a National Health Service acute-care hospital network.

Micaela Comendeiro-MaaløeManuel Ridao-LopezEnrique Bernal-DelgadoAndreu Sansó-Rosselló
Published in: PloS one (2024)
Belonging to one or another cluster of hospitals means that the determinants of expenditure have a different impact and intensity. The system should focus on these differences in order to optimally modulate expenditure not only according to the needs of the population, but also according to the macroeconomic situation, while leaving hospitals room for manoeuvre in case of unforeseen events. The findings suggest strengthening a network of smaller hospitals (Group 1)-closer to their reference population, focused on managing and responding to chronicity and stabilising acute events-prior to transfer to tertiary hospitals (Group 4)-larger but appropriately sized, specialising in solving acute and complex health problems-when needed.