Do complaints related to vitiligo affect sexual quality of life and marital adjustment?

Evrim BayraktarSalih Levent ÇınarNurten Ozmen
Published in: Health care for women international (2024)
The authors aimed at evaluating the effect of vitiligo on female sexual function and Dyadic Adjustment in a hospital-based study as gender negatively affected the marital quality of vitiligo patients, more in women. A total of 153 patients who applied to the dermatology outpatient clinic of a tertiary university hospital were interviewed. However, 120 vitiligo patients who were married and had a sexually active partner and suitable the inclusion criteria were included in the study. It is seen that the mean score of the DAC is 43.13±5.11, and the mean score of the SQOL-F is 52.57±5.39. Vitiligo has a negative effect on a woman's sexual life and Dyadic Adjustment. Early identification of sexual problems in vitiligo patients and planning their future course of management can aid in improving the marital adjustment and quality of life.