Health-Related Quality of Life and Behavioral Difficulties in Greek Preschool Children with Developmental Language Disorder.

Konstantinos KotsisMaria BoukouvalaAlexandra TzotziIouliani KoullourouAndromachi MitropoulouAspasia SerdariVassiliki SiafakaThomas Hyphantis
Published in: Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) (2024)
Developmental language disorder (DLD) has a great impact on language skills as well as on a wide range of functioning areas, such as social and school functioning. In the present study, we aim to explore the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) of preschool children with DLD, compared to children with no language difficulties, using a self and proxy report method. A total of 230 parents of preschool children with DLD and 146 parents of children without language difficulties completed the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL TM ) 4.0 Generic Core Module and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Additionally, 71 children with DLD and 55 peers without DLD completed the self-reported PedsQL TM module. The parents of kindergarten children (5-6 years old) with DLD reported that their kids experience worse social and school functioning compared to the control group. In addition, the children with DLD self-reported lower physical and social functioning. The parents of children with DLD reported that their children experience higher hyperactivity/inattention problems than the parents of the control group. Kindergarten children with DLD have a poorer HRQoL compared to their peers, as perceived by themselves and their parents. Moreover, children with DLD present with higher hyperactivity and inattention symptoms. Health professionals working with children who have DLD need to consider not only the language difficulties but also the children's wellbeing and symptoms of hyperactivity and inattention.