Diagnostic and prognostic relevance of using large gene panels in the genetic testing of patients with dilated cardiomyopathy.

Sophie L V M StroeksDebby HellebrekersGodelieve R F ClaesIngrid P C KrapelsMichiel H T M HenkensMaurits A SikkingEls K VanhoutteApollonia Helderman-van den EndenHan G BrunnerArthur van den WijngaardJob A J Verdonschot
Published in: European journal of human genetics : EJHG (2023)
It was previously suggested that increasing the number of genes on diagnostic gene panels could increase the genetic yield in patient with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). We explored the diagnostic and prognostic relevance of testing DCM patients with an expanded gene panel. The current study included 225 consecutive DCM patients who had no genetic diagnosis after a 48-gene cardiomyopathy-panel. These were then evaluated using an expanded gene panel of 299 cardiac-associated genes. A likely pathogenic/pathogenic (P/LP) variant was detected in 13 patients. Five variants were reclassifications of variants found in genes which were already detected using the 48 gene panel. Only one of the other eight variants could explain the phenotype of the patient (KCNJ2). The panel detected 186 VUSs in 127 patients (of which 6 also had a P/LP variant). The presence of a VUS was significantly associated with the combined end-point of mortality, heart failure hospitalization, heart transplantation or life-threatening arrhythmias(HR, 2.04 [95% CI, 1.15 to 3.65]; p = 0.02). The association of a VUS with prognosis remained when we only included VUSs in robust DCM-associated genes (high suspicious VUSs), but disappeared when we only included VUSs in non-robust DCM-associated genes (low suspicious VUSs), highlighting the importance of weighing of VUSs. Overall, the use of large gene panels for genetic testing in DCM does not increase the diagnostic yield, although a VUS in a robust DCM-associated gene is associated with an adverse prognosis. Altogether, current diagnostic gene panels should be limited to the robust DCM-associated genes.