Green human resource management, competitive advantages, and green ambidexterity: using partial least squares structural equation modeling and necessary condition analysis.
Jawaria AhmadAbdullah Al MamunMohammad Nurul Hassan RezaZafir Khan Mohamed MakhbulKhairul Anuar Mohd AliPublished in: Environmental science and pollution research international (2023)
This study investigates the effect of green human resource management practices on green competitive advantage and the mediating role of competitive advantage between the green human resource management practices and green ambidexterity. This study also examined the effect of green competitive advantage on green ambidexterity and the moderating effect of firm size on green competitive advantage and ambidexterity. The results reveal that green recruitment and green training and involvement are not sufficient, but they are necessary for any outcome level of green competitive advantage. The other three constructs (green performance management and compensation, green intellectual capital, and green transformational leadership) are sufficient and necessary; however, green performance management and compensation is necessary only at an outcome level of more than or equal to 60%. The findings revealed that the mediating effect of green competitive advantage is significant only between three constructs (green performance management and compensation, green intellectual capital, and green transformational leadership) and green ambidexterity. The results also indicate that a green competitive advantage has a significant positive effect on green ambidexterity. Exploring the necessary and sufficient factors using a combination of partial least squares structural equation modeling and necessary condition analysis provides valuable guidance for practitioners to optimize firm outcomes.