We identified 4112 articles published on US pediatric populations between 2013 and 2022. We identified 170 distinct indicators across seven broad domains of nSES used to create 121 different measures of nSES across the 206 publications included in this review. While there is considerable interest in nSES and children's health, there is also substantial variation in the measurement of neighborhood as a geographic unit and nSES as a construct. We observed methodological challenges related to the identification of neighborhood boundaries, indicator selection, and nSES measure definition(s). We discuss common pitfalls in neighborhood research that can complicate identifying, targeting, and resolving environmental injustices. Lastly, we put forward a series of recommendations to reduce measurement error and improve inference, in addition to reporting recommendations for neighborhoods and health research that can aid in improving our understanding of pathways between neighborhood context and child health, inform policy development, and allocate resources to achieve environmental justice.