Regularization with Metric Double Integrals of Functions with Values in a Set of Vectors.
René CiakMelanie MelchingOtmar ScherzerPublished in: Journal of mathematical imaging and vision (2019)
We present an approach for variational regularization of inverse and imaging problems for recovering functions with values in a set of vectors. We introduce regularization functionals, which are derivative-free double integrals of such functions. These regularization functionals are motivated from double integrals, which approximate Sobolev semi-norms of intensity functions. These were introduced in Bourgain et al. (Another look at Sobolev spaces. In: Menaldi, Rofman, Sulem (eds) Optimal control and partial differential equations-innovations and applications: in honor of professor Alain Bensoussan's 60th anniversary, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp 439-455, 2001). For the proposed regularization functionals, we prove existence of minimizers as well as a stability and convergence result for functions with values in a set of vectors.