Score tests for scale effects, with application to genomic analysis.
David SoaveJerald F LawlessPhilip AwadallaPublished in: Statistics in medicine (2021)
Tests for variance or scale effects due to covariates are used in many areas and recently, in genomic and genetic association studies. We study score tests based on location-scale models with arbitrary error distributions that allow incorporation of additional adjustment covariates. Tests based on Gaussian and Laplacian double generalized linear models are examined in some detail. Numerical properties of the tests under Gaussian and other error distributions are examined. Our results show that the use of model-based asymptotic distributions with score tests for scale effects does not control type 1 error well in many settings of practical relevance. We consider simple statistics based on permutation distribution approximations, which correspond to well-known statistics derived by another approach. They are shown to give good type 1 error control under different error distributions and under covariate distribution imbalance. The methods are illustrated through a differential gene expression analysis involving breast cancer tumor samples.