Upper body motor function and swallowing impairments and its association in survivors of head and neck cancer: A cross-sectional study.
Lucía Ortiz-CominoCarolina Fernandez-LaoCaroline M SpeksnijderMario Lozano-LozanoIsabel Tovar-MartínManuel Arroyo-MoralesLydia Martín-MartínPublished in: PloS one (2020)
Compared with controls, sHNC present smaller MMO, lower cervical and shoulder AROM, lower cervical and shoulder strength and higher perception of TMD, shoulder pain and disability and swallowing difficulty. sHNC suffer impaired swallowing related to lower MMO, presence of TMD, cervical AROM and shoulder strength values. Improving these variables via physiotherapy may reduce the difficulty in swallowing experienced by some sHNC.