EXPRESS: Priming Effects in Reading Words with Vertically and Horizontally Mirrored Letters.
Katharina PittrichSascha SchroederPublished in: Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006) (2022)
We conducted two masked priming experiments to examine how the orthographic system processes words with mirrored letters. In both experiments, four different primes were used: an identity prime, an unrelated control prime, and two mirror-primes in which letters were either mirrored at their vertical or horizontal axis. Task was varied between experiments: In Experiment 1 we used a lexical decision task and in Experiment 2 we used a cross-case same-different match task. We expected to see priming effects in both mirror-conditions with stronger effects in the vertically than in the horizontally mirrored letters. In the lexical decision task, we observed only vertical priming effects for words whereas in the same-different task, priming effects were present in both mirror-conditions and for both words and non-words. We discuss the implications of our findings for extant models of orthographic processing.