Neurolymphomatosis (NL) is a rare complication of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, characterized by the infiltration of lymphoma cells into the peripheral nerves. A 54-year-old woman initially presented with right facial palsy without any other significant symptoms and was diagnosed with Bell's palsy. Despite initial improvement, her condition recurred, prompting further evaluation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed contrast enhancement from the tympanic segment to the surface of the masseter muscle along the right facial nerve and an adjacent mass lesion. Biopsy of the mass revealed a diagnosis of T-cell/histiocyte-rich large B-cell lymphoma. Chemotherapy resulted in complete resolution of facial palsy. Follow-up MRI confirmed the absence of contrast enhancement along the facial nerve. Facial palsy was considered to be caused by NL. This case was classified as that of primary NL because the facial palsy was the first manifestation of a hematologic malignancy. Recurrent facial palsy, which is atypical in Bell's palsy, led to further evaluation with MRI, which finally resulted in the diagnosis of malignant lymphoma. In cases of recurrent facial palsy, clinicians should consider various diagnoses, including that of NL, and advocate early imaging tests and biopsy, if possible, for accurate diagnosis and improved outcomes.