Ultrastructure of proboscis blood vessels in females of Bonellia viridis (Annelida: Bonellinae): New reconstructions.
Petr KuznetsovElena Nikolaevna TemerevaPublished in: Journal of morphology (2022)
Many data on echiurid anatomy and ultrastructure are obtained for Bonellia viridis and extrapolated to other species. The ultrastructure of the axial blood vessels, which has been described as an "osmotic pump," is regarded as one of the unusual features of echiurids. In this study, the ultrastructure of the proboscis blood vessels in females of B. viridis is described, illustrated by accurate schemes, and a new reconstruction of the axial blood vessel is suggested. The walls of the axial and lateral vessels of the proboscis are formed by myoepithelial cells, which are connected to each other via adherence junctions, underlined by basal lamina, and therefore form a true epithelium. Apical, middle, and basal parts of the myoepithelial cells form long, thin projections, which extend to the connective tissue (in axial vessel) or coelomic canals (in lateral vessels) and to the lumen of the vessels. The presence of such projections may evidence active cellular transport. Similarity in the fine structure of the myoepithelial cells of axial and lateral blood vessels evidence their common origin from myoepithelial cells of the coelomic lining. However, in evolution, the coelomic canals were retained around the lateral vessels and disappeared around the axial vessel. The reduction of a hypothetical ancestral axial coelom may be caused by the extensive development of the connective tissue and muscles in the central part of the proboscis, where the axial vessel extends.